It’s a whole lot cheaper than a plane ticket, hotel, and eating out for three days!
— California Mom

Please read this page before calling.


On location and phone quotes are not possible, but you can use the information listed here for your estimate.

The restrictions and fees associated with all our services are listed on this page.

Quick jumps to pricing information



Storage Prices

Shipping Prices

Professional Packaging

John’s Moms packing and un-packing service

Intra-campus moves


Porter Service (Receiving and Delivery)

All storage and shipping services are billed shortly after the pick up. It is your responsibility to know the prices. If there is ever a question about how much a certain box or item will cost to ship or store we will always follow the prices listed on this page.


                                                                                                                                                                     Tape roll 2" X 110 YDS.- $5.00

Bubble wrap 2 X 10" - $5.00

Black wide-tip marker - $2.00

Supply Prices

Large box 18 X 18 X 24" - $6.00     

Medium box 24 X 18 X 12" - $5.00

Small box 18 X 12 X 12" - $4.00

Tape gun with tape - $25.00

NOTE: We fully refund any unused boxes returned to us in new condition. Tape guns, tape, bubble and markers are not refundable.

pickup fees

2 timeslots Available Monday thru Saturday 8:00a-12:00p & 1:00p-5:00p

  • When the customer is present = $30

  • If the customer is absent = $50

    Rush fees:

    • Need a pickup today, add $50 (if available)

    • Need a pickup tomorrow, add $30 (if available)

Pickup fees are not refunded if an order is canceled. The cutoff to change an order within the same pickup season is 48 hours. Book your pickup here.

storage prices

The prices listed below are flat rates for up to 4 months. After that it’s 25% of the listed fee for each additional month or partial month.

All storage prices include one return delivery

standard box or container (up to 18x18x24”)

  • Up to 50 lbs = $50

  • 51 - 70 lbs = $75

  • 71 - 125 lbs = $1.25/lb

  • Over 125 lbs (call for pricing)

Oversized box or container

(Larger than 18x18x24" up to 24x24x24")

  • Up to 50 lbs = $75

  • 51-70 lbs = $125

  • 71 - 125 lbs = $1.75/lb

  • Over 125 lbs (call for pricing)

  • Boxes larger than 24x24x24” : $100 and up

NOtes on totes

Use the chart above to determine prices for plastic totes, drawers, and other storage containers.

We will economize the best way to store your plastics once we see them. This often involves bundling them together: just leave it to us.

We will try to give you your best price. Often times storing one oversize or overweight piece is more economical than storing two standard items.



  • In Large box (most common) = $50

  • Custom box = $75


  • Twin = $95

  • Full/futon = $150

  • Queen = $180

  • King = $230


  • Twin with no legs = $50

  • Twin with legs = $90

  • Full = $110

  • Queen = $140


  • Standard metal type = $60

    *We do not store IKEA-type wooden bed frames, even if you take them apart.


  • Small fridge (1.7cf) = $60

  • Medium fridge (2.4cf) = $85

  • Large fridge (3.0cf) = $115

  • X-large fridge (4.4cf) = $150

    NOTE: There is a $25 fee if it’s not defrosted and wiped out.


  • Couch = $165-$225+

  • Chair/desk =$70-$100

  • Chair/dorm (bungee/folding, bean) =$50

  • Chair/lounge = $130-$190

  • Chair/futon (single cushion & frame) =$110

  • Chair/futon (more than one cushion wide) = $160+

    *We do not disassemble sectional couches.


We do not INSURE ANy IKEA type furniture or particle board pieces against damage. 

  • Nightstand = $60-$100

  • End table = $75-$100

  • Desk = $95-$200

  • Empty dresser = $160-$300+

  • Coffee table = $80-$140

    *All dressers must be empty. Please call our store if you have any questions.


  • Bicycle/E-Bike = $90-$130

  • Rug/Carpet (not fitting into a box) = $80-$200

  • Shoe storage = $50-$120

  • Shelves = $60-$140

  • TV stand = $85-$150

  • Clothing/drying rack = $50

  • Hockey sticks/golf clubs = $50-$90

Pack & store items

JPS must pack the following to insure for damage

TVs & Monitors

(We cannot insure TVs for damage unless they are repacked in their original box with inserts or packed by us)

  • 19" TV = $75

  • 24" TV = $100

  • 28" TV = $115

  • 32" TV = $135

  • 36" TV = $165

  • 40" TV = $200

  • 42" TV = $250

  • 48" TV = $285

  • 55" TV = $360

  • 65-75” = $500

  • 75-95” = $650

  • 95”+ = call JPS

  • CPU = $60 - $80

Other Pack & Store items

  • Lamp -tall/floor (includes packing) = $75

  • Mirror (includes packing) = $80-$140

  • Picture/Artwork not in original box: 24" to 45" (longest side) = $65-$110

  • Game Console = $75

  • Microwave = $75

  • Printer = $75

  • Tall/tower fan = $75

  • Other small appliances such as coffee-maker or toaster = $50


When our pick-up crews receive your boxes for shipping, they do not calculate your charges, nor do they give advice (e.g. whether or not it is a good idea to ship your belongings). All items picked up are sent to our warehouse for labeling and shipping through UPS, and then we apply the charges to your card on file and send you an invoice with tracking numbers.

UPS charges are determined by dimensional weights and include a fuel surcharge. Go to estimate your potential shipping charges. Be sure to enter the box dimensions as well as the weight. If you only enter the weight it will not calculate the price correctly. This is especially true for duffel bags - you must enter the length at its longest, the width at its widest, and the height at its tallest point. There is a $25 surcharge for items that are not in a box. Additionally, any box weighing more than 45 pounds is automatically given an overweight fee of $50.

  • Our zip code is 48108

  • Note that our box dimensions signify INTERIOR dimensions; when prompted to enter box size, you must add 1” to every side for UPS specs, based on EXTERIOR dimensions.

  • Indicate payment at a retail location

Once you have obtained an estimate, remember that our prices will also include a service charge, as with any other retail location. The charge includes our handling fee as well as a commission to the University.

Below are some typical JPS prices, but these are NOT guarantees. Again, you must weigh and measure your box in order to determine an accurate estimate.

Please Note: UPS applies shipping surcharges during the holiday season due to high package volume. Estimates below reflect shipping rates during the regular season and do NOT reflect any additional surcharges.

Zone 6 (So FL, CO)

  • Small Box = $95

  • Medium Box = $109

  • Large Box = $138

Zone 8 (CA, S. TX)

  • Small Box = $126

  • Medium Box = $148

  • Large Box = $189

N. Zone 3 (IL)

  • Small Box = $45

  • Medium Box = $56

  • Large Box = $68

Zone 4 (NY, NJ, MD, MN, GA)

  • Small Box = $51

  • Medium Box = $69

  • Large Box = $88

Zone 5 (N FL, N. TX)

  • Small Box = $71

  • Medium Box = $86

  • Large Box = $111


If we have to pack your belongings after you leave town, there is a fee based on the time it takes.

All fragile items stored or shipped by JPS must be professionally packed in order to insure them against both loss and damage, unless you have the original boxes And styrofoam inserts.

If you pack fragile belongings yourself, they are insured against loss only.

  • 19" TV $30

  • 24" TV $50

  • 28" TV $70

  • 32" TV $90

  • 36" TV $100

  • 40" TV $130

  • 42" TV $175

  • 48" TV $200

  • 55" TV $250

  • Printer $25

  • Microwave $25

  • Tall fan $25

All other packing prices determined by size, weight, and complexity. Please talk to our office if you have questions about  particular item.

John's Moms Packing Service

The service is billed at $400 for the first two hours (minimum), starting when the mom arrives on location. After the first two hours, we bill $200/hr thereafter in quarter-hour increments. A  pick-up/reservation fee of $30 is added to your order at checkout. This is included even if you don’t need a pick up.

Our Mom coordinator will discuss your job with you in advance and add packing supplies with your permission.  Supply prices are listed here.

Packing a room when a student is not present costs $500 plus packing supplies.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Once the order is placed, you must cancel by the close of that business day to receive a full refund.

  • You may cancel your John’s Mom appointment up to 2 weeks ahead of the scheduled date to receive a $200 refund.

  • We cannot issue a refund if you cancel your appointment less than 2 weeks before the scheduled date.

  • Changes to an existing reservation date cost $150, subject to availability, and cannot be carried over from one season to another.

Rush fees:

  • Need a Mom today, add $200 (if available)

  • Need a Mom tomorrow, add $150 (if available)

  • Need a Mom in 2 days, add $100 (if available)

Intra-campus Moves

This service involves moving 1 student from one campus residence to another on the same day. An intra-campus move includes two strong guys and a truck for two hours.

The cost for this service if the student is present is $350 for 2 hr. After the first two hours, the price is $175/hr.

If the student is not present the fee is $400 for 2 hr and $200/hr thereafter.

The service does not include packing help nor does it include packing materials. Supplies should be ordered for delivery in advance so all the packing is done before the movers arrive. You will be charged for any packing help if you’re not ready when they arrive. The rate is $200/hr. All your loose belongings must be in moving boxes or hard containers with a minimum size 18x12x12”. If not, we will put them in boxes for you and charge for the boxes. You do not have to box furniture, plastic containers or cloth drawers with belongings in them. We will either shrink wrap or tape them closed so that things don’t fall out during the move. Garbage bags of clothing and blue IKEA bags will be inserted into boxes which will be billed as well.

Let us know ahead of time if you have a TV. There may be an additional charge depending on its size. We do not dismount them from walls.

Call to confirm availability. We have very limited availability for this service during our peak seasons: for Spring Move Out In 2025, this means 4/24-5/7. If available, moves during these dates are subject to a $150 peak surcharge.

Changes and cancellation Policy:

  • Once you place your order, you may cancel within 24 hours to receive a full refund.

  • Cancelations 24+ hours after placing an order receives a 50% refund.

  • You can cancel an order within 48 hours of the service time, no refund.

  • Adjusting the service date incurs a 50% fee, if we can accommodate.

Rush fees:

  • Need a move today, add $100

  • Need a move tomorrow, add $75

Laundry Prices

Laundry = $2.25/pound (10 pound minimum)

Regular Comforters = $25

Down Comforters = $45

Mattress Pads = $15-$25 (depending on size & thickness)

Blankets = $15-$25 (depending on size)

Down Feather Beds = $85 (we do not clean polyester fiber foam pads)

Down winter coats:

  • Canada Goose = $60-$75

  • Other = $50-$60 (depends on length, weight and fur)


  • Polyester = $20

  • Down = $35

  • Decorative down pillows = $35-$45

Dry Clean:

  • Pants = $10.00

  • Sweaters = $10-$14

  • Jackets = $18-$25

For more information on laundry, click here.